Top Links on Government Laws On-line

To facilitate ease of access the following is a compilation of top law links.

Please note that the contents of this web site are provided by the Government of The Bahamas for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Government of The Bahamas accepts no liability for actions arising from its use.  Also, this website is not a substitute for PROFESSIONAL OR LEGAL ADVICE.

Useful Links on Laws Online

Item No Bahamian Short Title    Date Commenced
1897-0009 Administration of Justice Expenses Act 13 April 1897
2011-0002 Coroners Act 23 February 2011
1937-0015 Court Deposits Act 30 April 1938
1964-0048 Court of Appeal Act 06 January 1965
1964-2042 Bahama Islands (Procedure in Appeals to Privy Council) Order,1964 06 January 1965
2005-0060 Court of Appeal Rules 17 July 2005
1990-0071 Criminal Appeal (Reference of Points of Law) Rules 14 October 1990
1957-2224 Judicial Committee Rules 1957 31 January 1958
1946-0256 Special Leave to Appeal to the Privy Council (Sentence of Death) Rules 04 October 1946
1799-0031 Habeas Corpus Act 31 December 1678
1969-0036 Judicial Trustees Act 28 February 1971
1970-0061 Judicial Trustee Rules 31 December 1969
1998-0007 Juries Act 31 May 1998
2006-0006 Justice Protection Act 26 September 2006
1992-0024 Justices of the Peace (Validation) Act 25 January 1984
1992-0026 Legal Profession Act 31 May 1993
1981-0022 Bahamas Bar (Code of Professional Conduct) Regulations 07 April 1981
1982-0032 Bahamas Bar (Examinations) Regulations 05 May 1982
1974-0056 Bahamas Bar (Prescription of Legal Public Offices) Regulations 31 December 1973
1981-0021 Bar (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations 07 April 1981
1980-0034 Bar (Exemption from Examination) Regulations 11 June 1980
1994-0086 Bar Articles (Period of Service) Regulations 15 December 1994
1979-0071 Bar Articles Regulations 31 October 1979
1973-0040 Bar Council (Month for Meeting) Regulations 13 June 2008
1973-0039 Bar Education Regulations 31 May 1973
1973-0036 Bar Practice Regulations 31 May 1973
1973-0037 Bar Pupillage Regulations 31 May 1973
2004-0011 Legal Profession (General) Regulations 08 February 2004
1896-0027 Magistrates Act 08 August 1897
1955-0147 Appeals from Magistrates (Procedure) Rules 21 September 1955
2009-0064 Magistrates (Community Courts) (New Providence) Order 30 June 2009
1971-0009 Notaries Public Act 31 July 1972
1912-0010 Oaths Act 01 May 1912
1996-0015 Supreme Court Act 31 December 1996
1962-2348 Admiralty Jurisdiction (Bahama Islands) Order in Council 1962 24 October 1962
1958-0238 Probate (Corporation) Rules 12 December 1958
1978-0046 Rules of the Supreme Court 04 July 1978
2002-0132 Supreme Court (Divisions of Court) Order 31 December 2002



Agency Notices
  • Security Council 2653 Sanctions Committee Adds 2 Entries to Its Sanctions List
    See detail...
  • Security Council Al-Shabaab Sanctions Committee Adds Three (3) Entries to Its Sanctions List
    See details...
  • UNSCR 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry on its Sanctions List
    See details...
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      An Act to provide for the control and regulation of the price of goods and services and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
      An Act to regulate the recruitment of workers.
      An Act to require notification of undertakings involving exposure to ionising radiations for the protection of workers involved therein.
      An Act to make provision for the regulation of the training of trade apprentices.
      An Act to provide for the registration and control of trade unions; for the recognition of trade unions by employers; for the registration of certain Industrial Agreements; for the establishment of an Industrial Tribunal and the regulation of trade disputes; for the repeal of certain parts of the Trade Union and Industrial Conciliation Act; and for other matters connected with or incidental to the aforesaid purposes.


Useful Links
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