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The Functions of National Anti-Drug Secretariat (NADS)


The National Anti-Drug Secretariat (NADS) is housed within the Ministry of National Security.  It had its origin in a recommendation coming out of the first National Anti-Drug Plan, and in February 2008, the Government made the NADS operational as a means of bringing more focus and cohesion to the national drug control efforts.

The NADS has as its core objective the realization of a drug-free Bahamian Society.  Listed below are the functions of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (NADS):

  • The maintenance of a comprehensive overview of drug control activities of Government Ministries/Agencies, NGOs and community organizations and others entities concerned with drug control;
  • Assistance in the development of policies and programmes for prevention of drug abuse, treatment and rehabilitation and supply reduction and related matters; 
  • The collection, compilation and analysis of national statistical and other data on drug abuse and illicit trafficking, including the regular conduct of surveys and studies that inform policy, and the regular assessment of the state of drug control and implementation of the National Anti-Drug Strategy;
  • The preparation of reports and papers, including an Annual Report on the drug situation in The Bahamas, and the encouragement in, and assistance for, research and production of scholarly works by individuals, academics and academic institutions, including the College of The Bahamas and the University of the West Indies;
  • Cooperating with, and facilitating collaboration among Government Ministries/Agencies, non-governmental and community organizations and the media, to support the implementation of anti-drug projects, programmes and public information campaigns;
  • In conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant Governmental entities, assisting in the implementation of obligations arising  from the international drug control treaties, articulating Government policies in regional, hemispheric and international organizations, and participating in international standards setting exercises, including in the Caribbean Community, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth and the United Nations;
  • Cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Ministries/Agencies and partners in carrying out The Bahamas reporting obligations relative to drugs and related matters, as required under regional, hemispheric and international treaties and arrangements;
  • Coordination of Bahamas delegations and representation of The Bahamas in bilateral, regional and international forums concerned with drug abuse and illicit trafficking;
  • The convening, organization and management of national drug control forums, and assisting in the convening and organization of bilateral and international meetings held in The Bahamas, including the Tripartite Joint Task Force (The Bahamas, the United States and the Turks and Caicos Islands).

Bird’s Eye view of (2013) Activities for International Drug Day (June 26)

  • Friday, June 21st, 2013 & Saturday, June 22nd, 2013- anti-drug/crime exhibition held at the Mall at Marathon,
  • Friday, 21st June, 2013 opening of anti-drug/crime exhibition started at 12:00 noon,
  • Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 mini-concert was held in the Food Court of the Marathon Mall,
  • Sunday, 23rd June, 2013 – Church visit, Christ Community Church for the 10 a.m. service, ( Committee members, stakeholders and agencies involved in drug control attended the church service),
  • Wednesday, June 26th, 2013- Media appearances by Planning Committee members to inform the population of the negative effects of drug use, abuse and illicit trafficking
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