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41st Regional CPA Conference Secretariat

Public Notice

17th Regional Youth Parliament Resolution
Published Date : June 27, 2016




Whereas globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture;


And whereas the phenomenon of globalization is affecting not only  the credit ratings, commerce, cultural identity and trade but also the sovereignty of small island states;


And whereas small island states in the Americas, the Atlantic and the Caribbean region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) in particular are being swept along by the tide of globalization and without regard being had to any objections on their part;


And whereas these small islands states have only recently begun to enjoy the strengthening of their democratic institutions;


And whereas it is in the national interest of every nation and the interdependence of regionalization to maintain and safeguard the unique cultural identity, economic interest and sovereignty of each island state:


Now therefore be it resolved that all nations in the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic region of the CPA strengthen their union and take a united stance and fight against the negative aspects of the encroachment of globalization that runs counter to their national interests:


Be it further resolved that this strengthened union commit itself to the preservation of the interests of all of its member states by entering into regional trade and exchange agreements for food security, education, health and other aspects of culture:


Be it further resolved that this Youth Parliament discuss and offer informed recommendations and solutions to Members of this 41st Regional conference.


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