Remarks - Commemorating the Official Opening Ceremonies for the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers Youth Forum

Honourable Dr. Daniel Johnson, MP
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture


Honourable Jerome K. Fitzgerald, MP
Minister of Education, Science and Technology

His Excellency, Kamalesh Sharma
Secretary-General, Commonwealth Secretariat, London

Mr. Darron Turnquest, Director of Youth
Bahamas Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture

Other Officials of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture

Ms. Katherine Ellis, Director of Youth Affairs 
Commonwealth Secretariat, London

Other Senior Officials of the Commonwealth Secretariat

Mr. John Ronald Darville, Chairperson
Youth Forum Local Organizing Sub-Committee

Dr. Health Oonage Johnson, Keynote Speaker

Mr. Stanley George of the Republic of Kenya
Chairperson of the Commonwealth Student Association and Chair of the Steering Committee

Other Executives of the Commonwealth Student Association  


Members of the Media

Ladies and Gentlemen, a pleasant good morning.

Firstly, I thank my colleague, Minister Fitzgerald for sharing this awesome opportunity with me, and the fine officers of my Ministry.  We have been dedicated to this special partnership for the execution of this Forum for well over a year, and we are grateful for this collaborative effort. 


In particular, I am pleased to welcome the officials of the Commonwealth Secretariat to The Bahamas as we have enjoyed a very strategic partnership with this organization for well over forty (40) years.  The programmes of The Commonwealth Youth Affairs Division have always been dynamic and for time immemorial, have formed foundational concepts and policy positions for the creation and execution of a number of programmes of my Ministry.  We are grateful for the technical support and guidance provided over the years.  


Mr. Secretary General, some of your previous officers like Mr. Alexis Armstrong, Mr. Charles Henry and Ms. Dwynette Eversley have been key contributors to the development process and they along with persons such as our Keynote Speaker from CARICOM are celebrated as champions of the cause, and we are grateful that the Commonwealth has provided a platform for that to happen over these many years.


Today, we have assembled to receive the more than 120 delegates from The Bahamas and around the Commonwealth who have come for wholesome discourse on this very important topic which for the most part, formulates discussions regarding youth participation in the education development process.  Your programme for the next five days, provides extensive exposure to key specialists and opportunities for debate.  I encourage you to take full advantage of these opportunities, ensuring that the views and concerns of Commonwealth Youth ring out clearly in your communique at the close of your deliberations.  


While I am very excited about the theme and would perhaps like to comment, I do think your Keynote Speaker, Dr. Heather Johnson will give a strategic position and context for discussions, and I look forward to hearing her commentary on the same. 


I am advised that you are to execute also, the elections for Executives for the Commonwealth Student Association.  I wish all candidates every success for a meaningful campaign and electoral experience and look forward to the results of that process at the close of the sessions.


Additionally, I am pleased also to welcome the many Commonwealth youth who are joining us via twitter, Facebook, IG and snap chat this week.  We welcome your involvement in the discussions and our Social Media Ambassador team will work feverously to facilitate your inclusion in these discussions as much as is possible.  Feel free to tweet, blog, and Facebook your concerns and we will be sure to filter them into the deliberations.


Therefore, by the right entrusted to me as the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, I do now declare the Youth Forum of the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers Officially Open.


Welcome to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and enjoy your meetings!

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